The perversion of a right

Not only do they regard the right to keep and bear arms as a privilege they can grant or withdraw at their pleasure, they play games with it. Look at Mecklenburg County (NC) Sheriff Garry McFadden, who has now twice been ordered to stop finding ways to delay issuance of carry permits., or recent federal court decisions that use absurd, perverted logic to uphold gun control laws that would never pass constitutional muster in a legitimate tribunal.

Lives have been lost to these games. Like Carol Bowne, stabbed to death three days before her 40th birthday by her ex-husband as she waited in vain for the Berlin Township (NJ) Police to issue her handgun purchase permit, a process which had already taken longer than the 30 days required by state law. After Bowne’s death, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie created an exception for those threatened with domestic violence. The exception reduced the issuing time to 14 days from 30, but when rabid anti-gun governor Phil Murphy took office, he ended the exception so New Jersey would have the strongest gun control laws in the U.S.

What kind of deranged mind could think this is a good idea? How sick does a politician have to be to be willing to risk the death of another innocent woman to satisfy his gun control lust? “If it costs one life, it’s worth it?”

It’s time for a serious, concerted effort to reestablish the right to keep and bear arms as a right, not a privilege.

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