Gun control addicts and their fellow travelers in the media must take pride in their ignorance; … A History Lesson for Gun Control FansRead more
Author: Bill Cawthon
Gun-Free Zone Follies
“Sensitive places” is the new name for gun-free zones, courtesy of the U.S. Supreme Court. In … Gun-Free Zone FolliesRead more
There’s nothing scary about Constitutional Carry
With multiple bills in the House and Senate calling for nationwide handgun carry reciprocity or the … There’s nothing scary about Constitutional CarryRead more
Addicted to futility: Gun control in Maryland
Maryland is one of a handful of states in which “gun violence” really is violence. Nearly … Addicted to futility: Gun control in MarylandRead more
What we are… and what we aren’t
The Second Amendment Society of Texas is an anomaly. Our goal is to be an informative … What we are… and what we aren’tRead more
Fixing Biden’s Blunders
With the changes in the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, we have a two-year … Fixing Biden’s BlundersRead more
A right as old as life itself
As Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia noted in his majority opinion in District of Columbia v. … A right as old as life itselfRead more