Maryland is one of a handful of states in which “gun violence” really is violence. Nearly two-thirds of gun-related deaths in the Old Line State are homicides, with Baltimore contributing more than its fair share. Baltimore for years had one of the top two or three homicide rates of any American city with a population of more than 250,000.
Maryland’s legislators are addicted to gun control despite the fact the state is routinely among the top ten states in rates of homicides. It’s said the definition of insanity is doing the exactly the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome. That’s a level of optimism that would make Pollyanna green with envy.
Yet for some reason, the voters never seem to question this; they never ask when the benefits to public safety promised with each new restriction are going to happen or, more importantly, why they haven’t already appeared.
As best we can ascertain, the questions aren’t asked because the truth is never told by the politicians or the media and most of the public doesn’t have any idea (or inclination) to discover the facts.